What makes RIS a great school

Rio International School seeks the integral formation and personal resilience of the individual, through a solid foundation in Christian ethical and moral principles. This foundation provides the health and personal and emotional balance that will benefit the student throughout his life.

We encourage Christian practice in an inclusive and multicultural environment, motivating socialization and friendship, reinforcing respect for others and for singularities. We encourage teamwork and the sense of community that has guided our foundation.

The students’ development takes place on a campus full of green in the middle of an environmental preservation area, which in itself stimulates curiosity and awareness of the importance of biodiversity. A balanced diet, encouraging the practice of sports and the adoption of a sustainable and healthy lifestyle are elements inherent to the experience of our students.

Our teaching platform has an international seal and adopts the most advanced learning standards. We serve and unite the best in Brazilian, American and international academic curricula. All subjects are taught in English, except for Portuguese and French subjects, and exclusive content from the Brazilian reality.

Our differentiated curriculum includes advanced classes, preparing the student for the Advanced Placement – AP exam with content anticipation and credits from North American universities. Our electives have developed the individual potential of students for years, encouraging the discovery and potentialization of talents, entrepreneurship and creativity.
The technology, scientific knowledge and innovation at RIS stand out as a lever for accelerating and deepening experience and learning. Students use computer tools safely since early childhood, being trained and directed to the responsible use of technology.