Life at RIS
Reading, singing, dancing, sports, guests speakers, theme days, fairs, competitions, picnics these are the memories that will stay with our students forever RIS events bring people together in one place at one time to celebrate one thing, breaking up the routine, building school spirit and creating a sense of belonging.

Graduation Day (Seniors)
A special date where we celebrate our 12th grade students accomplishments and completion of High School.

Graduation Day (Kinder)
On the same day of Seniors Graduation, we also recognize our Kindergarten students for their transition to Primary school.

Family Fun Fest
This famous event with a Circus theme mimics an American carnival with games and various artistic and musical activities. It is one of our most famous and loved events.

Christmas Program
We are very proud to celebrate this very special event, Christmas, where we showcase our students talents and celebrate the birth of Christ together.

Spring Fling
An outdoor activity to celebrate spring. This event is made especially for Primary families to be closer, as well as an opportunity to contemplate and explore nature, through visits to parks.

Spirit Week
A week dedicated to increasing school spirit. Its impressive to see how our community comes together in creativity each day. Weeks before the students vote for themes and then dress differently each day.

Fitness is Fun Month
A month dedicated to family fitness with a variety of athletics activities throughout the month.

Sports Day
Students participate in school-wide activities and competitions to fitness celebrate the end of is Fun Month.

Summer Games - Sand Castle Competition|
This annual competition brings families together on the beach in Barra to compete against each other while creating sand sculptures based on certain criteria

Easter Program
A very special service program in which we celebrate the resurrection of Jesus, we reflect on the meaning of the date and the immensity of God's work, strengthening our beliefs and renewing our faith.

Lock in
An intense 12-hour overnight event. Our students arrives on Campus on Saturday night, at 8:00 pm and the aim is to spend the night without sleep until being picked up at 8:00 am, on Sunday morning.

Snack Shop
Our Snack Shop is lovingly prepared by the parents who are part of the PSTC - Parent, Student, Teacher Council of RIS. On the occasion, participating families donate sweets, cookies, snacks, toys and school items and students have the opportunity to buy whatever they want. The amount collected is reverted by the PSTC in activities for school events.